Wir hatten am Montag einen Termin bei Engagement Global – Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen in Bonn und haben uns bzgl. weiterer (staatlicher) Förderungsmöglichkeiten beraten lassen. Als noch ganz junger Verein ist das gar nicht so einfach, aber es gibt Wege. Wichtig ist, dass wir unsere Ziele und Projekte weiterhin aktiv verfolgen.
Sie wollen dazu beitragen, dass der Schulausbau in Uhola so schnell wie möglich losgehen kann? Wir freuen uns über Spenden in jeder Höhe: https://bit.ly/2zOmyz0
The art exhibition “Silence” by Norbert Döding
Norbert Döding – with his art exhibition “Silence” – drew attention at UVF: Many thanks, also for the donations that benefitted UVF through this appeal! If you are interested and got the time, please have a look at his beautiful art: https://www.norbertdoeding.de
Fundraising of more than 1.500 Euros through an amazing idea
One of our association members had the great idea to wish for donations for Uhola Village Foundation e.V. for his birthday as a present instead of any physical gifts for himself. Fantastic idea! More than 1.500 Euros were raised during one night.
General assembly in Maihingen, Germany
We have successfully conducted our first ordinary General Assembly after the foundation of Uhola Village Foundation e.V. today (June 1st, 2018). Many any thanks to all members and interested parties who have appeared and actively participated. A special thanks goes out to FC Maihingen 1946 e.V., who has provided his club home for the assembly free of charge. We are highly motivated by the meeting, in which, among others, an employee of the district administration Donau-Ries took part and demonstrated future possibilities of cooperation and funding.
UVF’s 1st birthday
Uhola Village Foundation e.V. is celebrating its birthday – exactly one year ago, we founded UVF! Ever since, UVF has grown significantly. You want to be part of it, too? Click here.
Starting point were Tabitha Stimpfle’s personal experiences in Nairobi in 2013 after finishing school. Travelling to different places in Africa & thus occurred friendships paved the way to become actively engaged in Kenya. Finally, the visit of the village Uhola by Prof. Dr. Alois Stimpfle was the initial spark to found UVF e.V. Read more here.
First press release
Our first press release, written by Gaby Schmidt-Tschida, is out! Unfortunately for now being only in German language.
School starts in Kenya
We are pleased to announce that three former students of Uhola Primary School are able to attend secondary schools in the form of boarding schools. Cynthia and Stency have been attending LWANYA and SEGA SECONDARY schools since last Monday (January 9, 2018), and Linet will visit MBAGA GIRLS from next Monday (January 15, 2018). We wish the three girls good luck!
60th member
We are pleased to welcome our (60 years old) 60th member and thank all members for their positive response and dedication!
The online learning platform Kinderweltreise.de includes UVF e.V. with its own article on its homepage: https://www.kinderweltreise.de/kontinente/afrika/kenia/hilfsprojekt/
Just in time for the second Advent, the first edition of the UVF flyers is ready to print. Special thanks go to the team of BizTune, which has allowed us to reproduce the flyers for free.